Digital marketing, financial performance, online marketing, social media, content marketing, mobile marketingAbstract
The study examines the influence of digital marketing on the financial and operational performance of Laos-based firms using Smart PLS4 Structural Equation Model (SEM) method. The results showed that online advertising, social media and content marketing have significant impact on financial performance of Lao MSMEs. Mobile marketing, however,does not significantly affect enterprise’s financial performance. As a result, Laos firms primarily use online advertising and low-cost online media, but they should focus on offline advertising and digital marketing tools for improved financial performance. Policy recommendations include promoting digital IT access, managing digital marketing, providing IT training for entrepreneurs, educating remote enterprises, focusing on e-commerce, enhancing security, and implementing monitoring systems. Fiscal incentives and sector collaboration can encourage more investment in digital marketing. Community-based digital platforms can be an alternative for MSMEs with limited capital.
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